[LTI Handbook 2003]
Section C
The Constitution of the LTI
1. What is the LTI?
1.1. The LTI is a tertiary educational institution dedicated to theological training and research undertaken by, and on behalf of, the ELCSA and the UELCSA in collaboration with the School of Religion and Theology (SoRaT) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. It is owned and administered by the SALTTT.
1.2. The LTI has come about through an amalgamation of the theological training facilities at Umphumulo Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) and the Lutheran House of Studies in Pietermaritzburg (Luthos).
1.3. The LTI is located at 29 Golf Road and adjacent properties, opposite the New Arts building of the University which houses SoRaT.
2. The doctrinal basis of the LTI
The doctrinal basis of the LTI is the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament and the Confessions of the Protestant Reformation as laid down in the constitution of the participating churches.
3. Mission statement of the LTI
In response to the saving grace of God, the LTI endeavours:
to equip the Church of Christ for its mission to serve the world loved by God;
to motivate and train men and women for leadership, ministry and service;
through quality tertiary education and research;
that is Lutheran and ecumenical, holistic and contextual.
4. Special commitments pertaining to the Southern African situation
4.1. In obedience to Christ the LTI strives to overcome racism and sexism. It believes in the merits of ecumenical interaction and enrichment. It stands for democratic principles and human rights in the church, the community and the society at large.
4.2. The institution exists within a context of diverse cultural traditions and life styles. By living, studying, worshipping and relaxing together, students, lecturers, administrators and workers come to respect each other, learn from each other and bear each other's burdens. They are emboldened to apply what they learn and confess to their ecclesial and social contexts (see the Student Pledge of the LTI).
4.3. The LTI remains at all times conscious of the huge discrepancies in life chances, productive capacities, incomes, health statuses, degrees of access to resources and facilities and political clout found within the Southern African society and the world at large. It strives to follow a modest, sacrificial and responsible life style and directs its theological reflections to the needs of the less privileged.
5. Tasks of the LTI
5.1. To train women and men for diverse ministries in ELCSA, UELCSA and other Lutheran Churches in Southern Africa, including parish, youth, health, crime, development and mission related ministries,
working in collaboration with SoRaT at the University of Natal and the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Institutions,
but taking the specific identity and the special needs of the Lutheran churches into account.
5.2. To encourage and facilitate post graduate research in fields related to its mission, including the classical theological disciplines, their interface with secular subjects such as medicine, psychology, sociology, economics and political science as well as community initiatives at grass roots level.
5.3. To build up library facilities for use by staff, students and pastors in conjunction with the libraries of the University and the Cluster.
5.4. To provide accommodation, worship services, Christian fellowship and spiritual formation through common activities of the campus community.
5.5. To offer programmes deemed necessary by the churches for its ministry, such as internship training (the Fifth Year), additional examinations (First and Second examinations), refresher courses and lay training.
5.6. To provide recruitment material for dissemination by the partner churches.
5.7. To build up bursary resources for its students.
5.8. To establish and maintain links with the Lutheran World Federation, overseas partners, ecumenical bodies and professional associations as far as these are involved in theological training and research.
6. Administrative structure of the LTI
6.1. The Trust (SALTTT) is the owner of the properties and the Board of the Trust is the highest decision-making body. The Trust is accountable to the participating churches. Trustees are the two presiding bishops, the two treasurers and an additional member from each church (including the General Secretary of ELCSA). The Academic Principal and the Administrator are non-voting members of SALTTT.
6.2. The LTI Board is the policy making body. Its members are those of the Board of the Trust plus the Chaplain and the SRC President. It is accountable to the Trust.
6.3. The LTI Council is the local management committee. It has the mandate to run the Institution. It has its own budget. It is accountable to the LTI Board. Its members are the Academic Principal (chair), the Administrator (treasurer), the Chaplain and the SRC President.
6.4. The Academic and Pastoral Staff Council is responsible for all academic and pastoral matters. Its members are all Lutheran academic staff members of the LTI and the SoRaT.
6.5. The Administrative Committee is responsible for all administrative matters.
6.6. The SRC deals with students matters as the representative of the General Meeting of the student body.
7. The Board of the SALTTT
Refer to the Constitution of SALTTT.
8. The Lutheran Theological Institute Board (LTI-B)
8.1. The LTI Board is the policy making body of the Institution.
8.2. Its members are the full members of the Board of the Trust, plus the Academic Principal, the Administrator, the Chaplain and the President of the Students' Representative Council. Lecturers of the LTI are non-voting members of the LTI Board. Support staff can be invited for points on the agenda pertaining to their tasks.
8.3. It meets twice yearly in Pietermaritzburg, normally at the same time as the Board of the Trust.
8.4. The Chairperson of the LTI Board, his/ her deputy and a recording Secretary are to be elected by the Board Meeting from its members for a term of 2 (two) years.
8.5. At the LTI Board Meeting a quorum exists if at least half of the voting members are in attendance and both partner churches are represented. It consensus cannot be reached it adopts its resolutions by a simple majority.
8.6. In principle, the LTI Board deals with all policies of an academic nature implied in the constitution of the SALTTT (paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.6.6, 3.6.8, 3.6.10). Decisions by the LTI Board do not have to be ratified by SALTTT. Only serious cases, such as the removal of an office bearer from office or the sale of properties, shall be referred to SALTTT for a final decision.
8.7. It formulates policies concerning the recruitment of academic staff in consultation with SoRaT, draws up Conditions of Service for academic staff in consultation with the University of KwaZulu-Natal, advertises vacant academic posts, appoints relevant selection committees and ratifies the appointments recommended by the latter. (See Sections E and F of Handbook).
8.8. It appoints the Academic Principal, the Administrator and the Chaplain upon the recommendation of the LTI Staff for a period of three years at a time. The Academic Principal and Chaplain can be reappointed upon recommendation of the academic staff.
8.9. It scrutinises and approves the curricula recommended by the LTI Council in consultation with SoRaT. (See Sections J - N).
8.10. It recommends policies concerning the recruitment of students to the Churches in consultation with SoRaT. (See Sections O - S).
8.11. It discusses and adopts the LTI budget submitted by the SALTTT treasurer and the LTI Administrator, scrutinises all income and expenditure of the LTI Council which fall within the budget of the latter, scrutinises the investments, proceeds and allocation of the Lutheran Theological Bursary Fund and submits all financial statements to auditing.
8.12. It discusses and refers financial and administrative matters of a capital nature to the Board of the SALTTT for decision making with its recommendations.
8.13. It acts as an instance of appeal for any aggrieved party of the LTI Community in issues normally dealt with by the LTI Council.
8.14. It maintains links with the Lutheran World Federation, overseas partners of the member churches and other relevant bodies in as far as theological training is concerned.
8.15. It receives and discusses reports submitted to it by the chair persons of the LTI Council, the LTI Academic and Pastoral Council and the LTI Administrative Council. Reports from other bodies such as the SRC and Resident Committee may be tabled by the LTI Council or requested by the LTI Board where necessary.
9. The Lutheran Theological Institute Council (LTI-C)
9.1. The LTI-C is the local management committee which is responsible for the practical administration of the Institution.
9.2. It is assisted in its duties by the Academic and Pastoral Staff Council, the Administrative Committee and the Students Representative Council. These bodies are accountable to the LTI-C and the LTI-C is accountable to the LTI Board.
9.3. Its members are the Academic Principal (chair), the Administrator (treasurer), the Chaplain and the SRC President. The Secretary/Campus Supervisor, the Bookkeeper/Public Relations Officer, and the Librarian, can be co-opted in a non-voting capacity.
9.4. It discusses and adopts a budget drawn up by the Administrator, submits it to the LTI Board for adoption, and scrutinises income and expenditure of the Institution within this budget.
9.5. It meets at least once a quarter. Additional meetings can be requested by the Chairperson or any two members.
9.6. Detailed rules concerning the functions of the administration and the SRC are drawn up in response to changing circumstances.
10. The LTI Academic and Pastoral Staff Council (LTI-APC)
10.1. The Academic and Pastoral Staff Council meets at least twice a year and includes all Lutheran staff involved in teaching and research at the LTI and SoRaT. The Librarian can be co-opted in academic matters such as the ordering of books for certain subjects, setting up of reserve shelves for courses, etc. The Academic Principal is the chair person of the LTI-APC.
10.2. The LTI-APC elects candidates for the principalship and the chaplaincy of the LTI for three years at a time and recommends their appointment to the LTI Board.
10.3. The LTI-APC is responsible for all matters of an academic and spiritual nature, including curricula, liaison with SoRaT and the Cluster, academic advice to students, distribution of the teaching load among its members, the promulgation of research, a service and prayer schedule, retreats, lay training and refresher courses requested by the churches, etc.
10.4. It establishes and maintains links of an academic nature with other local, international and ecumenical bodies.
10.5. It defines and distributes among its members portfolios pertaining to its various functions as needed.
11. The LTI Administrative Committee (LTI-AC)
11.1. Members of the LTI-AC are the administrative staff, that is, the Administrator as chair person, The Secretary/Campus Supervisor, the Bookkeeper/Public Relations Officer and the Librarians.
11.2. It deals with all administrative and financial matters of the Institution, including the erection and maintenance of buildings, library administration, asset administration, the LTI-C budget, student accommodation, and student catering services.
11.3. The LTI-AC recruits, appoints and supervises cleaning and gardening staff and formulates their job descriptions and remuneration packages. SALTTT is the employer of such workers.
11.4. It is responsible for the personnel administration of all Support Staff.
11.5. It defines and distributes among its members portfolios to deal with its various functions.
11.6. It is accountable to the LTI Council and through the latter to the LTI-Board.
12. The Student General Meeting (LTI-GEM)
12.1. All registered students staying in the LTI residence, as well as those spouses who apply to the SRC for membership, form the LTI-GEM.
12.2. It meets regularly once a month during the university term.
12.3. It discusses general issues of the students and takes decisions within the limits of this constitution.
12.4. The SRC prepares the Agenda and a member of the SRC will chair the meeting.
12.5. Quorum exists if at least 25% of its members, including the SRC, are in attendance.
12.6. The LTI-GEM formulates its own rules of procedure. It adopts its resolutions by a simple majority. Decisions going beyond the realm of responsibilities of the student body have to be endorsed by the LTI Academic and Pastoral Staff Council, the LTI Administrative Council, or the LTI Council as the case may be.
12.7. The Academic Principal, the Chaplain and the Administrator are ex-officio members of the General Meeting.
12.8. The General Meeting elects the members of the SRC.
12.9. The GEM appoints Portfolios or Committees deemed necessary from time to time by the GEM for the welfare and service of the Student Body, such as spirituality, catering, entertainment, study tours, etc.
13. The Student Representative Council (LTI-SRC)
13.1. The General Meeting elects the LTI-SRC on an annual basis in mid-year. Its members include a Chairperson (President), a Vice Chairperson, a Treasurer and a Secretary. As a rule, these members are to be elected from among Lutheran theology students. Additional members with specific portfolios may be elected.
13.2. The Academic Principal, the Chaplain and the Administrator may be invited as ex-officio members to SRC meetings where this is deemed necessary by either party.
13.3. The LTI-SRC is responsible for all student concerns falling within its mandate as defined by this constitution and the decisions of the LTI-GEM.
13.4. It facilitates the election of Residence or House Committees responsible for each building, as well as other committees established by the GEM as mentioned above.
13.5. It takes initiatives to support and build up the common life of the community and the well-being of its members.
13.6. It represents student interests over against other bodies of the Institution.
13.7. It represents the interests of LTI students and other Lutheran students at SoRaT.
13.8. It co-operates with the Academic Principal, the Chaplain and the Administrator in cases of a disciplinary character.
13.9. The SRC president or another member designated by the LTI-SRC represents the student body on such bodies as stipulated by this constitution.
14. The LTI Library
14.1. As an asset, the LTI Library belongs to the SALTTT.
14.2. The LTI Library contains the library stocks of the amalgamated institutions, that is, the Umphumulo Lutheran Theological Seminary, the Marang Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Lutheran House of Studies.
14.3. Together with other Cluster Libraries it is linked to the University Main Library and other Libraries of the Cluster through the library computerisation project. Its stocks are listed in the Catalogue of the Main Library of the University of KwaZulu-Natal
14.4. The Library is accessible to all staff and students of the LTI.
14.5. The Library is open during times laid down by the LTI Board in consultation with the Library staff.
15. Financial Matters
15.1. The LTI and its assets are owned by SALTTT and SALTTT is responsible for its financial needs. SALTTT executes these duties through the LTI Board except for decisions of a fundamental nature such as the disposal of buildings which are handled by SALTTT.
15.2. The LTI Administrator draws up a budget for the LTI for each forthcoming calendar year in consultation with the LTI Academic Council, submits it to the LTI Council for scrutiny, which then passes it to the LTI Board for scrutiny and approval.
15.3. No expenditure shall be incurred unless it is included in budgets approved by the LTI Board or unless, in urgent cases, the LTI Board has granted special authorisation for such expenditure.
15.4. Annual financial statements are prepared by the Administrator and submitted to the LTI Board by the last day of February of each year in respect of the preceding calendar year. These records are subjected to external auditing.
15.5. The Administrator is responsible for full financial records to be kept by relevant office bearers and the LTI Board has full access to all such financial records of the Institution.
16. Dissolution
16.1. In case the LTI Board comes to the conclusion that the LTI should be dissolved, it has to submit a recommendation to the Trustees who takes the final decision. A dissolution of the LTI shall only take place upon a written directive given by the Trustees of SALTTT to the LTI Board.
16.2. In case of a dissolution of the LTI all assets shall remain under the ownership of SALTTT. If SALTTT is dissolved the respective provisions of the SALTTT Trust Deed come into effect.
17. Amendments to the LTI Constitution
The LTI Constitution can only be amended by the LTI Board and with the approval of SALTTT.
18. Adoption of the LTI Constitution
The Constitution was adopted by SALTTT on the 8th December 2002.
Signed at Pietermaritzburg on 8 December 2002.
Bishop N Rohwer/ Chairperson: SALTTT.